Valencian company Esparity Solar plans 45 MW in Vinalopó with its subsidiary ES Generación Verde

7/03/2023 –
ELDA. The Valencian energy company Es Generación Verde 1 S.L. has submitted applications to install 45 MW of photovoltaic power in the regions of Vinalopó Mitjà and l’Alt Vinalopó. This principally affects the municipalities of Salinas, Elda and Petrer. In this way, the applications for authorisation for implementation on undeveloped land, prior administrative authorisation for construction and occupation of livestock trails, as well as declaration of public utility, are submitted for public exhibition.
PSF Serol
The 45 MW correspond to the photovoltaic plant called ‘PSF Serol’, whose infrastructure will be located on three plots of land in an industrial estate in Petrer, 105 plots of land in seven industrial estates in Elda and 16 plots of land in an industrial estate in Salinas. The budget for developing the plant is more than six million euros (i.e.,6,082,253 euros).
In addition to the photovoltaic panels, the power plant includes infrastructures for overhead power lines that will extend 17,684 metres (of which 10,494 m are overhead and 7,189 m are underground). It originates at the Petrel substation and, after a route that skips underground and overhead metres, it enters the internal 30/66 kV substation.
Aurhorisation from competent bodies
The competent body to authorise the installation is the Directorate-General for Industry, Energy and Mines (Department of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Employment), as it does not exceed 50 MW of photovoltaic power. The competent environmental body to issue the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is the Directorate General for Environmental Quality and Education (Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition).
Esparity Solar, 9 projects in the pipeline
Es Generación Verde is a subsidiary of the British multinational Esparity Solar, which is also based in Valencia. The Managing Director of Esparity Solar in Spain (operating from Valencia) is Francisco Clavel, while in the UK (specifically in London) James Sibony is CEO and founder; Janin Campos, President, and Karima Verjee, Head of Sustainability and formerly EA to the CEO.
According to its website, the company has promoted nine projects totalling 586 MW, with an investment of 320 million euros. In addition to the aforementioned ‘PSF Serol’, it has three other projects in the province: Salinetas, Salinetas II and Safarich. Also in the Valencia region, this time in Valencia, it is planning Barxeta. For its part, it has two in Seville, one in Guadalajara and another in Navarre.