Press Releases

Esparity Solar collects two Seals of Excellence in Sustainability at the Spanish Congress of Deputies
09/02/2024 : The high quality standards of the “Salinetas” and “Salinetas II” projects, located in the northwest of the province of Alicante, have been recognized by UNEF (Spanish Photovoltaic Union) with the Seal of Excellence in Sustainability. The two projects incorporate effective environmental measures for the protection of the ecosystem of both areas and

The Xàtiva solar park proposes a 489-meter vegetation screen to preserve the landscape.
08/11/2023: The developer estimates a saving of 4,374 tons of CO2 per year with the plant and contemplates environmental improvements budgeted at 137,000 euros to offset the impact.

Public presentation of Casa Llum
18th October 2023: The solar park Casa Llum is under development by Esparity Solar and located in the Valencian municipality of Xàtiva. The plant will supply green energy to 3,500 homes and save annually 4,374 tons of CO₂ emissions to the atmosphere, will be presented next #25October at the Casa de la Cultura in Xàtiva.

The Cordovilla photovoltaic park in Ibargoiti will consist of 272,700 modules
Pamplona 26.07.23. The Valencian company Esparity Solar is promoting this project which will start operating next year. Construction and maintenance will generate 500 local jobs, both direct and indirect. Most of the jobs will be centred in the installation process.

Why the Cordovilla Project is such a success
21/04/2023: “The #Cordovilla photovoltaic project, developed by Esparity Solar, is considered a success story in the implementation of renewable energies in our country, with special respect for the environment and its biodiversity”.

Third National Congress Event organised by AVAESEN
31/01/2024: We would like to express our thanks to all AVAESEN colleagues for their love and support. For Esparity Solar it has been a pleasure to return to #LeadTheChange in this edition and share with all attendees, speakers, experts in the sector and public administration the importance of applying best practices when developing photovoltaic solar

Sustainability Conference organised by UNEF
30/01/2024: Today, at the 2nd Conference on Sustainability and Photovoltaic Plants organised by UNEF Spanish Photovoltaic Union at the Congress of Deputies in Madrid, our COO Roberto Fernandez has collected the Seals Of Excellence In Sustainability for our solar photovoltaic projects Salinetas and SalinetasII, located in the Alicante municipalities of Novelda and Monòver respectively. We

The British Spanish Society Scholarship Awards
08/11/2023: Esparity Solar was privileged to be at the #SpanishEmbassyInLondon last night to applaud the latest cohort to receive the BritishSpanish Society #ScholarshipAwards2023. Immense thanks to HE José Pascual Marco Martínez for inviting us to his residence and to all the team at the #BSS for all their stellar efforts to make this 16th scholarship programme happen again. In this way opportunities are

5th Annual ESG and Climate Risk Week in London
This event,organised by Economist Impact Events, took place in London from 12th-14th September 2023 and was attended by Karima Verjee, our Sustainability Officer. Karima found the event immensely educational. From day one there were four key messages that stood out for her from panel discussions and presentations. #ThankyoutoEconomistImpactEvents

International Clean Air Day
07/09/2023: Thursday, 7 September marks the fourth annual International Day of Clean Air for blue skies. Held under the theme Together For Clean Air it comes as more than 99 per cent of the global population breathes polluted air. Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to human health. At Esparity Solar we joining the