5th Annual ESG and Climate Risk Week in London

This event,organised by Economist Impact Events, took place in London from 12th-14th September 2023 and was attended by Karima Verjee, our Sustainability Officer. Karima found the event immensely educational. From day one there were four key messages that stood out for her from panel discussions and presentations.


A need for uniformity

There is unanimous agreement amongst industry specialists that there needs to be convergence of all the various ESG frameworks (SASB, GRI etc) to create uniformity in sustainability reporting processes.

Sustainability and Finance Reporting to converge

Sustainability should be woven into every facet of a business and CFO’s and CSO’s have common grounds to work together. This is because commitments to the ESG space is gaining traction and acquiring the same rigour as financial reporting.

CBAM debate

There was some controversy about CBAM, the EU’s recently introduced Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Can carbon tariffs on imports really create short-term value for the renewables markets or just delay the process?

Her Energy Objectives

Impressive presentation delivered by Estrella Martin Segurado of  Iberdrola. Estrella talked about her company’s initiatives to allow for more women to progress in the energy sector.