Esparity Solar meets with important delegates in Andalusia
For Esparity Solar it is extremely important to maintain #transparent communication with all the public administration bodies involved during the different phases of the development of our solar photovoltaic projects.
That is why, in order to strategically promote the development of renewable energy projects in Andalusia in the short, medium and long term, on this occasion we had the opportunity to meet in Seville with the Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, Antonio Sanz, and with the Director General of the General Secretariat for Energy, Manuel Larrasa.
Purpose of the meetings
We were also able to talk to different authorities of the Parlamento Andaluz, such as Isabel Ibañez Martínez – Spokesperson of the Committee on Economy, Environment and Sustainability, Pablo Venzal Contreras – Spokesperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and European Funds and Deputy Spokesperson of the Popular Parliamentary Group in Andalusia, Manuel Guzmán de la Poza – Chairman of the Committee on Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy and Juan José Salvador Giménez – Secretary of the Committee on Tourism, Culture and Sport and member of the Committee on Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy.
The main objective of these meetings with the Regional Ministry of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification, the Regional Ministry of Industrial Policy and Energy, and the Andalusian Parliament, has been to assess possible courses of action to help #achieve common objectives in terms of responsible energy #transition and generation of direct and indirect #jobs at local level, through commitment to clean, green, renewable, competitive and accessible energy for the entire population, such as solar energy.
Thank you for the warm welcome we received and for helping the public administration, together with the promoters, to continue steering in the same direction to achieve the goals of decarbonisation, in the face of climate change, and efficient energy independence as a containment barrier against the international geopolitical situation and the volatility of the fossil raw materials markets.