Esparity obtains approval for three solar projects totalling 200 MW

10th Feb, 2023

The Valencian company Esparity Solar, dedicated to the development photovoltaic solar projects, has obtained the
Unified Environmental Authorisation (AAU) for three of its projects: two in Andalusia and one in Guadalajara.

54-million-euro investment in Seville

These are two projects in the Seville municipality of Dos Hermanas, called Bajo Guadalquivir and Bajo Guadalquivir II, each with 50 MW of power each, in which an investment which are expected to require an investment of 54 million according to the company.

Esparity explains that both parks are far from areas with any type of environmental protection and located in a terrain of sparse and scattered vegetation sparse, which requires little earthwork. Likewise, their location is considered as radiation zone V, the best in Spain. In addition, it is catalogued by the Ministry for Ecological Transition with an environmental sensitivity index of 9.95 out of 10, which means that the projects have a low environmental impact environment.

In Guadalajara 100 MW wind farm is planned to require 54 million euros

The third project is the Navajo project, which has received the Declaration of Environmental Impact (DIA) from the ministry. Its location in the Manchegan municipalities of Fontanar and Guadalajara is considered as radiation zone IV, the second best. This plant will have a capacity of 100 megawatts. An investment of 54 million euros will also be invested.

Esparity Solar has upcoming construction projects totalling approximately 556 MW of power, representing an investment valued at around 420 million.