Esparity Solar collects two Seals of Excellence in Sustainability at the Spanish Congress of Deputies

09/02/2024 : The high quality standards of the “Salinetas” and “Salinetas II” projects, located in the northwest of the province of Alicante, have been recognized by UNEF (Spanish Photovoltaic Union) with the Seal of Excellence in Sustainability. The two projects incorporate effective environmental measures for the protection of the ecosystem of both areas and

Third National Congress Event organised by AVAESEN

31/01/2024: We would like to express our thanks to all AVAESEN colleagues for their love and support. For Esparity Solar it has been a pleasure to return to #LeadTheChange in this edition and share with all attendees, speakers, experts in the sector and public administration the importance of applying best practices when developing photovoltaic solar

Sustainability Conference organised by UNEF

30/01/2024: Today, at the 2nd Conference on Sustainability and Photovoltaic Plants organised by UNEF Spanish Photovoltaic Union at the Congress of Deputies in Madrid, our COO Roberto Fernandez has collected the Seals Of Excellence In Sustainability for our solar photovoltaic projects Salinetas and SalinetasII, located in the Alicante municipalities of Novelda and Monòver respectively. We

The British Spanish Society Scholarship Awards

08/11/2023: Esparity Solar was privileged to be at the #SpanishEmbassyInLondon last night to applaud the latest cohort to receive the BritishSpanish Society #ScholarshipAwards2023. Immense thanks to HE José Pascual Marco Martínez for inviting us to his residence and to all the team at the #BSS for all their stellar efforts to make this 16th scholarship programme happen again. In this way opportunities are

Public presentation of Casa Llum

18th October 2023: The solar park Casa Llum is under development by Esparity Solar and located in the Valencian municipality of Xàtiva. The plant will supply green energy to 3,500 homes and save annually 4,374 tons of CO₂ emissions to the atmosphere, will be presented next #25October at the Casa de la Cultura in Xàtiva.

5th Annual ESG and Climate Risk Week in London

This event,organised by Economist Impact Events, took place in London from 12th-14th September 2023 and was attended by Karima Verjee, our Sustainability Officer. Karima found the event immensely educational. From day one there were four key messages that stood out for her from panel discussions and presentations. #ThankyoutoEconomistImpactEvents

International Clean Air Day

07/09/2023: Thursday, 7 September marks the fourth annual International Day of Clean Air for blue skies. Held under the theme Together For Clean Air it comes as more than 99 per cent of the global population breathes polluted air. Air pollution is the greatest environmental risk to human health. At Esparity Solar we joining the

Our first summer party with the BSS in London

London, 06.07.2023: The British Spanish Society’s Summer event at the Spanish Ambassador’s Residence in London was a celebration of ties between the UK and Spain remaining strong as well as bringing together a wealth of talented intellectuals from a variety of enterprises. Special thanks to H.E. José Pascual Marco, Jimmy Burns and all of the

Esparity Solar participates in COMPARTE

14 June 2023: Comparte is a programme promoted by the UN Global Compact which encourages SME companies to publish their company best practices in alignment with the UN SDG’s. The purpose of Comparte is so that other companies can follow suit. Esparity Solar is so pleased to be part of this programme through its reforestation

World Environment Day

Today we recognise the importance of World Environment Day. ???? Did you know that…? ⚠️More than 20 million tons of plastic waste ends up in seas, rivers and lakes every year. ⚠️Approximately 400 million tonnes of plastics are produced annually, half are single-use and less than 10% are recycled. ⚠️Microplastics, plastic particles smaller than 5

Esparity Solar signs up to Climate Ambition Accelerator

15th May 2023: We take our pledge to fighting climate change seriously and so we are pleased to announce that Esparity Solar has signed up to the Climate Ambition Accelerator programme organised by the UN Global Compact. The Climate Ambition Accelerator builds on the UN Global Compact’s work to develop and promote the Science Based

Celebrating Earth Day 2023

Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Today Esparity Solar is pleased to celebrate this day by planting a further 2500 trees in our forest (thanks to Tree Nation) which means a further compensation of 100,000 tons of CO2. #EarthDay #AllInForEarthDay #moretrees #lessCO2 #TogetherMakingOurPlanetGreenAgain

Esparity Solar obtains EIS for Serol

14th April 2023: The Valencian company Esparity Solar has obtained the favourable Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), issued by the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, for Serol, a 50 MW photovoltaic solar farm located in the Alicante municipality of Salinas.

Esparity’s 5th anniversary

April 2023 #Five #Cinco #Cinc  #Cinq #Fünf #五 We can say it in all the languages of the world because… …for FIVE years Esparity Solar has been committed to the development of projects based on sustainability, environmental protection, local progress and innovation. Our passion for excellent work and our firm conviction in renewables as a solution to achieve a

Esparity Solar obtains the UNEF Seal of Excellence in Sustainability for its Novelda and Monóvar solar farms

15/03/2023 – VALÈNCIA. The Esparity Solar Salinetas and Salinetas II projects, each with an installed capacity of 50 MWp, have been awarded the Seal of Excellence in Sustainability by the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF), which recognises ground-mounted solar power plants built with the highest criteria for social and environmental integration. Thus, located in the Alicante

Valencian company Esparity Solar plans 45 MW in Vinalopó with its subsidiary ES Generación Verde

7/03/2023 – ELDA. The Valencian energy company Es Generación Verde 1 S.L. has submitted applications to install 45 MW of photovoltaic power in the regions of Vinalopó Mitjà and l’Alt Vinalopó. This principally affects the municipalities of Salinas, Elda and Petrer. In this way, the applications for authorisation for implementation on undeveloped land, prior administrative


Yesterday we were at GENERA2023, the largest trade platform for the Energy & Environment industry, with the support of the IDAE, Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, personalities from Public Administration and the backing of the main agents in the value chain of the renewable energies sector.

Esparity Solar meets with important delegates in Andalusia

For Esparity Solar it is extremely important to maintain #transparent communication with all the public administration bodies involved during the different phases of the development of our solar photovoltaic projects. That is why, in order to strategically promote the development of renewable energy projects in Andalusia in the short, medium and long term, on this

Valencian Art comes to London

Thank you to the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom for offering Esparity Solar their first opportunity to attend an event organized by the Chamber in London and for allowing Anglo Spanish companies to come together in the UK at the exquisite venue of the Royal Academy in London to enjoy a private viewing of the exhibition

Post from British Chamber of Commerce in Linkedin

Our member Esparity Solar is dedicated to the promotion of photovoltaic parks in our country. At the moment, they have 9 plants throughout the country, generating 550MW, with an investment of 420 million euros. A commitment to clean and sustainable energy from Valencia. Last week Valencia Plaza published  an extensive report where you can learn

Esparity Solar is delighted to be AEMENER’s delegates

Esparity Solar  are thrilled to be AEMENER’s delegates in Valencia and to be representing them at such an auspicious event as the II Energy Revolution Congress promoted by AVAESEN. This is a real source of pride for the entire Esparity team. #AemenerGirlsInValència #LetTheTalentShine #NoWomanNoPanel #AEMENER 💙 #AVAESEN 💚 #EsparitySolar 💛

Esparity Solar, Gold Sponsor of AVAESEN’s Second Edition of Energy Revolution 🌞🔋♻️

26th January 2023: Companies, administrations, investors, financial institutions and all the agents of green economy will meet at #EnergyRevolution, the 2nd Renewable Energy Congress organised by AVAESEN, which will feature a networking forum with more than 30 national and international speakers to inspire you on the latest trends and models that will drive green reindustrialisation.

Esparity Solar receives the Seal of Excellence in Sustainability at UNEF conference

Esparity Solar’s #Serol solar photovoltaic #project receives  #SealOfExcellenceInSustainability during the #UNEFSustainabilityDay at the #BBVA Auditorium in Madrid. #The Seal that certifies the highest standards of #quality in terms of criteria based on: ✔️ Socio-Economic Impact ✔️ Environmental integration ✔️ Governance ✔️ Circular economy #EsparitySolar #Serol #UNEF #sustainability #commitments

Rodrigo Baeza Palacios is a speaker at UNEF’s sustainability conference

☀️🌱🌏 #JornadaSostenibilidadUNEF I UNEF Unión Española Fotovoltaica & BBVA: Yesterday, our colleague Rodrigo Baeza Palacios, Head of Environment at Esparity Solar, spoke to us about the extreme #importance of #communication with citizens and stakeholders in the #promotion of #solar photovoltaic energy for the completion of the #energytransition. “Human behaviour is extremely complex and the lack

Esparity Solar’s Serol project obtains the UNEF Certificate of Excellence for Sustainability for its good environmental and social integration practices

The Serol photovoltaic plant, to be built and operated by Esparity Solar in Salinas (Alicante), has become the tenth project to obtain the UNEF Certificate of Excellence for Sustainability. The certificate accredits ground-mounted solar power plants which give utmost importance to social and environmental integration.

Celia Cañas gives her outlook on the Serol project

Celia Cañas, Environmental Engineer at Esparity Solar comments that: “The Serol project is the result of thorough teamwork in which a balance between economic growth, social welfare and care for the environment and its biodiversity has been met. Serol represents Esparity Solar’s commitment to achieving decarbonisation and a responsible energy transition”. 🟢#SelloDeExcelenciaEnSostenibilidadUNEF I 🏅 Esparity Solar


The company is developing nine projects with 555 megawatts and expects to double this capacity. In the meantime, it is negotiating agreements to sell energy in bulk. Esparity Solar, a Valencian company specialising in renewable energy development is currently planning nine projects for building photovoltaic solar energy production plants, five of which are located in

International Beach Clean Up Day

Did you know that all the #plastics and abandoned waste on our planet could occupy the territorial extension of a continent? So far, seven islands have been identified across the seas and oceans around the globe; islands composed of gigantic accumulations of garbage, some of them with an area of 2.5 million km2 (almost five

James Sibony on IBER REN & World Hydrogen Iberia speaker panel

James Sibony, CEO at Esparity Solar, on the speaker panel at the Iber-REN & WorldHydrogen Iberia 2022 conference in Madrid, discussing the #importance of accelerating the #IberiaEnergyTransition and the challenges that the utility scale market will face to in terms of development in the coming years #IberREN #WorldHydrogenIberia #EsparitySolar #development #solar #conference #iberia #challenges #energytransition

Two projects awarded the UNEF Certificate of Excellence in Sustainability

It is an honour for the Esparity Solar team that projects such as #Safarich and #Cordovilla have been recognised with the #SealOfExcellenceInSustainability promoted by UNEF Unión Española Fotovoltaica and supported by the Secretary of State for Energy of the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, Sara Aaegesen, and by the President of the Regional Government of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández. #Safarich and #Cordovilla are the


Esparity Solar’s “Salinetas” and “Salinetas II” projects, each with 50MW of power, are now open to the public. As is characteristic of the solar plants developed by Esparity Solar, all of them have compensatory measures such as the inclusion of vegetation barriers and hunting fences and are located in areas with positive urban planning compatibility.

Esparity Solar’s new forest

On behalf of Esparity Solar, we are very proud to be planting our first trees in Spain. Our journey to improve the landscape has begun and we look forward to planting many more trees in our forest. Thank you to Tree Nation for allowing this to happen.

Esparity Solar obtains surety bond facility

Newly established Iberia-focused solar developer Esparity has obtained a surety bond facility from Abarca Seguros, in order to be compliant with bonding requirements in the Spanish grid connection process. The facility is due to meet funding needs of Esparity Solar for its current project pipeline. Abarca Seguros is a Portugal-based surety bonds specialist, positioned as

Esparity Solar appoints chair

Newly established Iberian utility-scale solar PV developer Esparity Solar, led by chief executive James Sibony, has appointed banker Janin Campos as chairperson, as it builds out the team and targets building up a 1GW project portfolio. Members of the Esparity Solar team based in London, UK and Valencia, Spain, include: James Sibony – chief exec

20th July 2018

A North American sponsor has mandated three lenders to back the financing of a circa 500MW portfolio of PV projects awarded in Spain’s July 2017 auction. Toronto-based Northleaf Capital Partners earlier this year reached a deal to acquire the 493MW portfolio from ACS energy division Cobra, according to sources, and has in recent weeks selected